‘These are the pages of my life,’ Willis Raburu on healing journey after losing daughter


Media personality Willis Raburu Saturday penned an emotional letter depicting his journey to recovery days after losing daughter.

In a series of Insta stories, Raburu noted that as a creative, writing and music was a channel that he uses to share and vent out his pain.

He went on to add that the sudden experience had made him re-look life entirely and what he had taken for granted.

“I used to take some things for granted like walking with a bounce on your step and having a good day or a goodnight sleep, or the ability to laugh without feeling guilty. These are the pages of my life. I am a creative, so to heal sometimes I have to write and I have to share because that’s just how I know to deal.

“If I don’t then I close myself and I can sink deep into depression and angst can take over. I can get lost at sea and be delusional, for me writing is therapeutic,” he said.

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He seems to find motivation in Tyler Perry and media mogul Oprah Winfrey.

“You know when Tyler Perry said that he heard Oprah say that “writing is therapeutic”, I thought how can this be? How can putting your feelings down be helpful?”

To Raburu, people have different ways of mourning and therefore regardless of the differences one’s feelings should be respected.

“I tell you what though it is imperative that you find an outlet to deal with your pain and one day when we are ready we will share our whole story, that day will come.

“However, I will say this: Pain, in any form, is very personal! Yes, it is very personal. You may even have gone through the exact same thing as I have but we cannot handle it the same way. It cannot feel the same way. Why? Because we are not the same.” he said.

He went on to underline the importance of self-healing.

“We are different and we must allow ourselves to go through pain differently and not point a finger because nobody holds a Ph.D. in pain diagnosis or treatment.

“When it comes to pain, we “self-heal” because all we know to do is that. So I’ll keep writing, I’ll keep sharing because we must embrace pain. We must; we can wish it away, hide it away, shame it away, communize it -we must go through it.”

In conclusion, the 10 over 10 host had this to say: I still have flash backs, I still cry, I still grieve and I do so privately but the effects and outlet are sometimes public and I’m not ashamed of it. Will I ever be the same? Never. But I will be, that’s what I’m trying to do. I am just trying to be.”