How to send money into your KWFT Bank Account via PesaLink.

KWFT Bank Account via PesaLink.
KWFT Bank Account via PesaLink.

How to send money into your KWFT Bank Account via PesaLink.

Pesalink is an interbank money transfer solution that enables you to send and receive funds to and from your KWFT account in real time. Through Pesalink you can send and receive money through KWFT Branch, the mobile platform (App and USSD *859#) and ATM.

How to Send Money
Pay to Phone:

  1. Dial *859#
  2. Select Pesalink (option 5) on the KWFT mobile banking menu.
  3. Select ‘PAY TO PHONE’ on the Pesalink menu option.
  4. Select account.
  5. Enter phone number
  6. Select from accounts linked
  7. Enter amount to send
  8. Enter transaction narration
  9. Confirm the person’s details.i.e.The phone number, name and amount to send.
  10. Enter transaction pin
  11. You will receive a confirmation notification from the bank indicating the recipient’s account number, bank name, amount sent and the reason for payment.

Pay to Account:

  1. Dial *859#
  2. Select Pesalink (option 5) on the KWFT mobile banking menu.
  3. Select ‘Pay To Account’ on the Pesalink menu option.
  4. Select accounts
  5. Enter recipients’ account.
  6. Select bank category i.e. the first letter of the Bank name from the list provided.
  7. Select the bank name from the list displayed.
  8. Enter amount to pay.
  9. Enter the reason for payment
  10. Enter transaction narration
  11. Confirm the person’s details. Bank name, amount, account number and account name
  12. Enter transaction pin
  13. You will receive a confirmation notification from the bank indicating the recipient’s account number, bank name, amount sent and the reason for payment.