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Tag: female reproductive health

Less sex-linked to early menopause in women

Less sex-linked to early menopause in women Having sex less frequently could lead to an earlier menopause, a new study suggests. Researchers found that women who...

5 Factors to help you balance your hormones

5 Factors to help you balance your hormones Hormonal imbalance is a cause of many health problems in ladies. From acne filled face to painful...

Foods and drinks to avoid when pregnant

Foods and drinks to avoid when pregnant Diet is one of the most important aspects of pregnancy. A well-balanced diet is an essential thing for...

Negative side effects of contraceptives

Negative side effects of contraceptives Birth control methods are supposed to prevent unwanted pregnancies but these methods can also rake havoc in your body. There are...

5 things you need to know about pregnancy

5 things you need to know about pregnancy The knowledge of you getting ready to bring a new life into this world can be exciting....

Causes of infertility in women

Causes of infertility in women After weddings, the most common questions that couples get is “when is the baby coming”. This is a serious breach...

5 Signs that you are pregnant

5 Signs that you are pregnant Pregnancy is a beautiful thing that can happen to any woman. Sometimes stuff happens and in the long run,...

Tips for coping with postpartum depression

Tips for coping with postpartum depression Having a baby is the most beautiful thing that any woman can ever go through. The thought that you...

4 Causes of fibroids in women

4 Causes of fibroids in women Cases of fibroids have been on the rise in recent times. Back in the olden days, women who are...

5 Signs of infertility in women

5 Signs of infertility in women It is not unusual for couples to experience issues with infertility and many of these couples have no symptoms....

4 Common Sexual difficulties affecting women

4 Common Sexual difficulties affecting women Both men and women experience sexual difficulties at some point in their life. The most disappointing part is...