Tips for coping with postpartum depression

A new mother with her baby

Tips for coping with postpartum depression

Having a baby is the most beautiful thing that any woman can ever go through. The thought that you are carrying life in you during pregnancy and bring that life into the world is so amazing.

When the baby comes things change big time and if you were not prepared, you might find the task of being a new mother really draining. This is when postpartum depression kicks in.

So you might ask, what is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioural changes that happen in a woman after giving birth.

According to the DSM-5, a manual used to diagnose mental disorders, postpartum depression is a form of major depression that has its onset within four weeks after delivery.

The diagnosis of postpartum depression is based not only on the length of time between delivery and onset but also on the severity of the depression.

How do you cope with postpartum depression?

Ask for help

As a new mother, there is nothing embarrassing about asking for help. You can be overwhelmed by taking care of the baby by yourself. This is where your partner comes in handy.

Let him help you out with the chores and even with the baby as you rest. As a new mother, you need to be well-rested in-order to adequately take care of your baby.

Make your relationships a priority. When you’re feeling depressed and vulnerable, it’s more important than ever to stay connected to family and friends even if you’d rather be alone. Isolating yourself will only make your situation feel even bleaker, so make your adult relationships a priority. Let your loved ones know what you need and how you’d like to be supported.

Take a walk to stretch your muscles

This should be within the limits of any restrictions your doctor may place on your level of activity; take a walk, and get out of the house for a break.

This will help you to clear your mind and give you some quiet and alone time. Taking walks also prevents nervous break downs.

Also Read: How to take care of your Pregnancy

Make time for your relationship with your partner

More than half of all divorces take place after the birth of a child. For many men and women, the relationship with their partner is their primary source of emotional expression and social connection.

The demands and needs of a new baby can get in the way and fracture this relationship unless couples put some time, energy, and thought into preserving their bond.

Create a secure attachment with your baby

The emotional bonding process between mother and child, known as attachment, is the most important task of infancy. The success of this wordless relationship enables a child to feel secure enough to develop fully and affects how he or she will interact, communicate, and form relationships throughout life.

A secure attachment is formed when you as the mother respond warmly and consistently to your baby’s physical and emotional needs. When your baby cries, you quickly soothe him or her. If your baby laughs or smiles, you respond in kind. In essence, you and your child are in synch. You recognize and respond to each other’s emotional signals.