Before joining UberKenya Partners some things are checked:
- A Car
- NTSA Inspection.
- Copy of Logbook
- PSV Insurance.
How to register your car with Uber Kenya – Uber registration kenya.
- Go to Google play store and download Uber partner application.
- Then go to and create an account.
- On the account created above on step 2 add the details mentioned below.
- PIN Certificate.
- Business Permit.
- Logbook details(car registration).
- Car inspection report.
- Your National identity card details.
- Driver Tax pin certificate.
- KRA tax compliance certificate.
- Car insurance certificate.
After submitting the details you will be asked to get a certificate of good conduct from the authorities(Kenya Police). This document is to show if you have any criminal record, you will wait for the application approval for two to three weeks.
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