How to Appreciate and Love your Woman

How to Appreciate and Love your Woman

This notion that women are very complicated is just an excuse by men not to put any effort in making us feel loved. We are simple creatures who have a primal need to be loved and cared for. And it easy to love women just follow this tips and see the change in your relationship.

Speak our love language.

Communicate to us in our love language. That is the language we understand the most and feel loved in. In case you are wondering there are five love languages; Words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, gifting and spending quality time with a spouse.  If she likes to be gifted, buy her gifts every so often. If she feels most loved when touched then make it a habit. It is important to understand each other’s love language so that you know how best to make your spouse feel loved.

Listen keenly

Women are known to talk a lot when they are happy, sad, depressed, basically in every state of their emotions and we love an audience when talking. So be the listener, you don’t have to contribute, just listen. Listen even if we are boring or we sound crazy.

Help Around the house every so often

We like handymen and men who are not shy to cook, bath the baby or dress her. This is your family and you shouldn’t have any reservation on tending to them.  There is nothing manly about not taking care of your loved ones. If you expect us to go to work and end of the month share in the bills then it is only fair that you help out with the house chores.

Take us out

Take us out every so often be it an out in the club, dinner dates, out of town trips, outdoor adventures. These are what make a relationship fun, exciting and memorable. We will feel more loved and truly adored.

Be There for Us

Women are natural caregivers and most times we put everyone’s needs before us. We are always busy looking after everyone else and we tend to neglect ourselves. Be the one to take care of us. Nurse us when we are sick, let us take some good rest and even give us a massage when we are tired.  Be our shoulder to lean on when are going through hard times, we are grieving or even after a tough day at work.

Do Things we like

Women love to unwind in the company of our men. In fact, our desire would be to spend our fun time with our men all the time. So go ahead and do stuff we like with us. Take us out for shopping no matter how boring and tiresome it may be for you. Sacrifice your fun time to enjoy with us.

Say it Through Words and Actions

Women love to hear all those sweet words from their men. I like to say that we fall in love with words very easily which is very true by the way. So, men, I know you hate talking about your feelings, but for the sake of your relationship try and express your feelings every day. Tell us what you love about us and how we make you feel. Make it more real by acting out your feelings. Use cards, gifts, and creativity to show your love.

Acknowledge what we do

We tend to juggle a lot; we play so many roles almost all the time. It is great if our men would acknowledge our efforts and all we do and at least compliment us. We may not be perfect in all we do but we do try given that we juggle a lot. So our dear men acknowledge that we finally perfected that chicken curry recipe, kept the house neat all week despite having small kids who throw toys all over or made your favorite meal even after a hectic day at work. Pass those compliments; they go a long way into making us feel appreciated.

Make time for us consistently

We know that you are busy most times trying to make ends meet but spare some few minutes every day to spend time with us. It could be as simple as taking a cup of hot chocolate cuddled up on the sofa before bedtime or a movie on a lazy Sunday afternoon. The length of time does not matter but the quality is what we want.

Accept us for who we are

We don’t like to be compared at all. We already know that they are better more beautiful women out there so don’t rub in our faces but being outright.  Love us wholly, for what we have and what we bring into your life. This will boost our confidence in the relationship.

Don’t try to change us

We will never be like your mothers or exes. So don’t try to change us or how we do our things. In fact, don’t compare us to them but try and make us the best version of ourselves.

Commit to us fully

We like to know that our men are fully committed to us and our relationship. In this same line commit to being better men for us. Let your commitment not compete with your commitment to your work or your family. Balance everything.

Give us your undivided attention

When you are with us please quit peeping on your phone or flipping through channels. Give us your full attention, don’t be physically present only. Don’t check out another woman when you are on a date with us or concentrate on your friends and leave us hanging. It is so disrespectful.

Allow yourselves to be vulnerable with us

We want to feel intimately connected to our men without feeling as though you are putting up a wall emotionally. Open yourselves up and express all your thoughts and emotions.

Now that you know what we want, start the journey to making us feel loved and appreciated. It will make us treat you like the kings in our kingdoms, read life.


Daisy Chepkoech is a Freelance Blog Writer, Social Media Manager and Trainer. She is also the Marketing Director at Dake Business Solutions.  Daisy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University.