How to withdraw money from Paypal to my M-Pesa account.


How to withdraw money from Paypal to my M-Pesa account.

How do I register for this service?

  1. Log in with your PayPal login details (email and password).
  2. Enter your M-PESA account phone number.
  3. After submitting your account details, TransferTo, on behalf of M-PESA, will send you a 4-digit verification code to the mobile number associated with your M-PESA account.
  4. Please enter the code to confirm and complete the account linkage.
  5. That’s it! Next time you can log in directly with your PayPal email and password and get started.

How do I withdraw money from PayPal to my M-Pesa account?

  1. After completing the registration, click “Withdraw”.
  2. Your available balance will be displayed. You will only be able to withdraw money up to the available USD balance shown in your PayPal account. If you hold a balance in your PayPal account in a different currency, please log in to your PayPal account at and convert the money into USD.
  3. Enter the amount you would like to withdraw from your PayPal account in USD.
  4. You will be redirected to a page showing the amount to be received in KES, the exchange rate used for the currency conversion, and the estimated transaction processing time.
  5. Confirm and complete the withdrawal of funds.