Where is Nairobi Hospital

Where is Nairobi Hospital Cancer Centre
Where is Nairobi Hospital Cancer Centre

Where is Nairobi Hospital

About Nairobi Hospital

Opened in 1954, The Nairobi Hospital has excelled in medical expertise and services provision and has deservedly earned recognition throughout East Africa and beyond as an advanced diagnostic, treatment and referral centre. Expansive investment in latest technology and medical equipment has enabled us establish leadership in medical procedures both in Kenya and outside.

They take pride in our highly qualified professionals who deliver our mission every day, translating their knowledge and expertise to internationally compliant practices in healthcare provision. Courtesy, consideration and unreserved respect towards our patients’ privacy, dignity and confidentiality has time and again helped us earn their trust and goodwill. They are dedicated nursing staff provides professional care within a friendly and comfortable environment, ensuring that being in hospital is a more pleasurable and less anxious time for our patients and their families.

They are specific about quality and they take pride in their reputation in provision of the highest standards of health care; we give patient satisfaction paramount attention. Our management style creates a sense of belonging and thus our highly motivated and committed staff believes in teamwork and assisting each other to accomplish the corporate mission. Their admitting doctors are highly qualified and have specialized skills which meet international standards. We continue to maintain our nurses’ training school as part of our professional development programme.

They are self-financing and any surpluses are reinvested in hospital development, for the benefit of patients. In order to monitor our own performance we will continue to be subject to internal and external audits. They believe that the efficient utilization of our human and material resources is essential for the long term future of the hospital

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