Red flags to watch out for to avoid unhealthy emotional attachment

A happy couple bonding Photo/pinterest.

Red flags to watch out for to avoid unhealthy emotional attachment

Emotional attachment is a normal part of every relationship, be it with parents, family, friends, or loved ones.

Healthy emotional attachment  means that you don’t rely on another person for validation in yourself.

Unhealthy emotional attachment stems from issues that happened with other relationships in the past, be it with friends, family members, or romantic partners.

Here are some signs to watch out for to avoid unhealthy emotional attachment.

  1. Easily getting distracted by superficial qualities

Superficial qualities are the face value qualities. These may include things like the man or lady is good looking or the mare fact that they are rich, looks can be deceiving.

However, it could also apply to shared hobbies or other specific qualities. For instance, someone who shares your hobby of exercise or reading isn’t the best match based on that reason alone – they should also be supportive and understanding.

Avoid getting emotionally attached to persons based on the qualities that we like rather, develop relations based on trust and respect.

2. Not happy when alone

Before signing up for relationships, it is important to note that as an individual, you are happy and content with being alone. We should always remember that you cant give what you don’t poccess. This principle goes for relationships too.

You cant make someone happy when you are not happy. So don’t bring another person into your love life with the expectations that they should fill the empty void in you.

3. Rationalize and suppress emotions

When we’re suffering from unhealthy attachments, we suppress our own feelings and emotions to avoid upsetting our partner. The thought of them leaving is utterly devastating so we keep our mouth shut when their actions bother us.

In the long run we suffer silently and have a lot of issues bottled up in us.

4. Follow emotions instead of logic

Relying on emotion means ignoring red flags, rationalizing, and making big life changes without considering the real-world implications or outcomes.

We all rely on emotions at some points in life but don’t ignore the logical view to life. Sometimes being logical saves a lot of emotional turmoil.