Drama ensued at a Nairobi court on Wednesday morning after a suspect engaged in a fistfight with the police officer and even swore he would never pay Sh30,000 cash bail.
The suspect Daniel Njonjo Mwangi was facing felony charges after he was found in possession of a knife along Kimathi Street.
“I would rather die, I did not do a thing and I do not have money. I even have medicine from Mathare so you would rather kill me,” Mwangi said.
Chaos began when Mwangi was ordered back to the cells but he resisted forcing five police officers to swing into action to contain him.
In the process of pushing him towards the cells, he head-butted one police officer injuring him in the process.
The police managed to force him into the cell and his case will be mention again on January 22, 2020.