LIVE UPDATES: Kibra by-elections 2019

Kibera residents vote. [Photo/Daily Nation]

LIVE UPDATES: Kibra by-elections 2019

Thank you for following throughout the live updates. End of live updates for this event Asante sana.

7:41 am: Final vote tally- Imran Okoth it is (IEBC Confirms)

11:08 pm: Congratulatory messages for Imran from political leaders.

10:47 pm: Mcdonald Mariga concedes defeat

McDonald Mariga concedes defeat to Imran Okoth via a phone call.

“Hello, this is Mariga I want to say congratulations the race has been good and I promise to work with you we can even meet for lunch and any support you need from me we are together. So even after this elections, we can resume our friendship,” said Mariga.

10:43 pm: Latest updates from

ODM: Bernard Okoth 23857
ANC: Owalo 4846
Jubilee: Mariga 10648
Ford K – Butichi – 269

174/183 Stations reporting #KibraDecides

Current tally
ODM: Bernard – Okoth 19990
ANC: Owalo – 4333
Jubilee: Mariga –  9177
Ford K: Butichi – 225

150/183 Stations reporting #KibraDecides

8:01 PM: Ayany Bus terminus centre votes counted

Mariga – 39

Owalo – 13

Benard – 136

Butichi – 2

Only one centre in Ayany has finished counting, the rest are still counting

7:58 pm: IEBC Kibra returning officer’s statement

Kibra returning officer Beatrice Muli disowns results circulating social media, says she is yet to receive results from polling stations.

7:47 pm: Vote counting update

120/183 polling stations.

Bernard Okoth: 15509
Owalo: 3508
Mariga: 7178
Butichi: 140
Others: 603
Rejected votes: 140
Valid votes cast: 26289

Polling Stations: 89/183
Valid Votes Cast: 19183

Imran: 11166
Mariga: 5558
Owalo: 2533
Butichi: 100
Others: 514

7:41 pm; Votes counted from 79/183 centres – Imran Okoth Benard takes an early lead

ODM’s Imran Okoth takes an early lead in Kibra poll with 9,787 votes ahead of Jubilee’s Mariga 5,076.

7:04 pm: Vote counting still ongoing

Votes from ACK Makina.

Four stations out of five at Makina have already counted and so far 40% voter turnout has been witnessed in the station that has more than 2500 voters

Mcdonald Mariga – 359

Benard Imran Okoth – 438

Eliud Owalo –  120

Eng Khamis Butichi – 1

Total votes counted from four out of five centers in Makina – 920 and 1 spoilt vote


Photos from Kibra

6:47 pm: Vote counting underway

Some polling stations have already finished their numbers and submitted to the Dagoretti tallying centre.

There are challenges with electricity but the clerks are using pressure lamps to lit some areas for easy counting of votes.

5:14 pm: Preparations at Tallying centre in Dagoreti in top gear.

IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati arrives at Dagoreti Tallying centre.

Wafula “I have talked to returning officer Beatrice Muli and she assured me that everything is okay. The voting stations are being closed now as we prepare the tallying centres

“Those caught on voter bribery I also saw it on TV but as far as prosecution and charging I leave the matter with DPP and DCI,”

Muli also confirmed that sitting arrangements at the tallying centre has been well organised.

5:01 pm: Jubilee candidate McDonald Mariga still visiting several polling stations in Kibra since 11 am

4:08 pm: The polling stations officially closes at 5 PM but EBC says anybody still on the queue by 5 pm will be allowed to vote.

2:15 pm: No one witnessed on the ques at DC polling station. however relative peace has been witnessed in the area. Heavy police presence is also witnessed.

1: 08 pm: GSU officers called in

Chaos erupted between ODM and Jubilee agents leading to more reinforcement of police officers.

Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot alleges that ODM has been commandeering the youths to cause chaos in Kibra.

12:17 pm: Mariga speaks.

“It is now safe mothers can come out and vote. I have been playing outside for long-playing professional football that’s why my name is not in the Kibra register. IEBC should ensure it registers Kenyans who are in diaspora. Jubilee leaders are in Kibra in their numbers

“I want peace and everybody should vote in peace. I am sure we are winning this. Its a lie that people are being bribed. That’s propaganda from ODM who want to use that lie to create violence,” he added.

11:40 am: Babu Owino’s car

There has been reports that Embakasi East MP Babu Owino’s car has been pelted with stones at Woodley area in Kibra constituency.

ODM party will also be addressing the press at 1 pm, today.

11:23 am: Raila speaks

“There have been attempts to bribe voters. We don’t want to corrupt a democratic process. People must be allowed to demonstrate their democratic right,” said Raila.

We are in our bedroom and we urge our people to protect our bedroom from infiltrators and outsiders,” he added.

Ida Odinga. “The process is good apart from 15 minutes ago when the machines had frozen but it’s okay now. I have voted here since the 90s.”

11:17 am: Raila arrives in Kibra

ODM party leader Raila Odinga his wife Ida Odinga and party’s candidate Imran Okoth have arrived to cast their vote at the Old Kibera Primary School.

11:12 am: Mariga taking selfies.

Jubilee’s Party candidate spotted at Lindi Polling station to monitor the voting process. Mariga caught on camera taking selfies with polling clerks. Mariga is not a registered voter in Kibra.

11:08 am More allegations from ODM’s Suna East MP Junet Mohamed.

“Some police are not from Nairobi. Oscar Sudi and Benjamin Washiali were helping police to allow bribery. Oscar Sudi had to jump from the fourth floor of a primary school once the locals smoked him out,”

“We are sure of a win we are just highlighting how IEBC is not well prepared. This evening by 8 pm we ODM will be celebrating a win.”

11:02: am: ANC’s Eliud Owalo

“We have witnessed massive incidents of voter bribery even at the polling station. IEBC should use this opportunity to redeem its dented image,”

“I am the winner of this election and I am ready to work with all other candidates that I will beat in this race,” he added.

10:42 am: Hope IEBC has learnt a Lesson – Homa Bay Women Representative Gladys Wanga.

Gladys Wanga: “We are happy with exercise so far, the ques are moving. we have been here since 4 am and we are monitoring,”

“IEBC should have provided the full register without ODM having to go to court. We hope IEBc has learnt its lesson. We moved to court to let IEBc know they did wrong for not providing verification register early,” she added.

10:38 am: Jubilee Party Chief Whip Benjamin Washiali confirms that they are confident so far.

Washiali: “We are satisfied the voting it is going on well. As for IEBC, we the Jubilee Party have no reasons to doubt them. We are confident they will conduct the exercise fairly and the best candidate will win.”

10: 33 am:  Makarada MP George Aladwa

“I want to thank the court for pushing the IEBC to release the voter register. We are comfortable now that the voter register is out and there are no complaints from anybody,” said Aladwa from DC grounds Kibera.

10:28 am: Musalia Mudavadi says he has not spotted any bribery.

“I have not seen any voter bribery in the are we urge employers to allow people to come out and vote,”

However, Rarieda MP Otiende Amolo says locals are alert to ensure nobody bribes voters.

“So far people trying to bribe voters the incident here is a man who has been dishing money but the residents are on high alert. Let no one try to bribe voters because they will endanger their lives,” said Otiende.

10:24 am: Raila Odinga and Benard Imran Okoth 

Raila Odinga and Benard Imran Okoth casting their vote shortly at the Old Kibra Primary School at 11 am.

10:20 am: So far only two Jubilee MPs have been spotted in Kibra that is Langata MP Nixon Korir and Dagoretti South MP John Kiarie and Kimilili Didmus Barasa.

10:00 am: Late Ken Okoth’s mother Angelina and widow Monica Okoth at Old Kibera Primary school casting their vote.

9:52 am: Voter Bribery

Voter bribery reported in the ongoing Kibra by-election. One suspect arrested at Mashimoni polling station as voting continues.

Two people a man and woman, accused of bribing voters at a polling station in Kibra arrested, Nairobi Area police boss Philip Ndolo confirmed.

9:49 am: Raila Odinga’s daughter Winnie casting her vote.

9:44 am: Makadara MP George Aladwa and Langata MP Nixon Korir meet in Kibra

9:30 am: A section of MPs from ODM and Jubilee have flocked the area and Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo has already claimed that IEBC is out to disenfranchise their voters

The process so far is good and the public is excited, the only challenge we have faced is that peoples voting stations have been changed. There is an attempt by IEBC to disenfranchised some of our people. People have been taken as far as Ruaraka and Langata,” said Millie Odhiambo.

“We have talked to IEBC officials but they are not really helping us. People with abstracts of IDs have been denied chance to vote,” she added.

“There were cases of voter bribery but her at Ayanyi we together with the youths are hawked-eyed to ensure nobody bribes the voters,” she added.