5 Reasons why you are not losing that weight even after working out

Young woman exercising inside home

5 Reasons why you are not losing that weight even after working out

If you’ve just had a baby and you are trying to bounce back to your normal shape or you’ve been out of shape lately and you need to get back, the most common thing to do is either to enrol in a gym or start working out on your own.

If you have been at it and haven’t started to reap the benefits yet, there’s a good chance that one or more of these silent setbacks has found its way into your fitness regimen.

By being aware of bad habits and the effect they have, you can work to eliminate them from your regimen and hopefully watch your progress start to soar again. Here are some of the most common culprits to look out for.

Not warming up

Not warming up can decrease the effectiveness of your workout and increases your chance of injury. Your muscles won’t be elastic enough, which could lead to tears, meaning long term setbacks and recovery.

Not eating enough

The amount of energy you put into your body will dictate the training response.
For example, if you want to build muscle, you need to take in more fuel. Also, to lose weight, you need the right kind of fuel. Without energy to burn, the body turns to the most readily available source, muscle protein.

Also Read: Does more sweating translate to an intense workout?

Training for too long

A common physiological response to training is the release of certain hormones into the bloodstream, such as testosterone and dopamine.

Going past 45 to 55 minutes per workout can put the body into a negative hormonal state.
This is more so true for those who stay in the gym for hours, taking one class after another, and then weight lifting or running on the treadmill to try to burn as many calories as possible. This could mean serious overtraining, adrenal fatigue and performance decrements in the long term.

Training too frequently

Adaptations happen during the recovery period. No matter how quickly you want to put on muscle or lose the weight you gained from having a baby, constant workouts won’t do it. You need to let the body recover and return to homeostasis, so it can efficiently build the muscle you want or burn the fat you don’t.

Not sleeping enough

We know there are never enough hours in the day to get through everything, but it’s important to shut down at a normal hour. Sleep is essential.

Certain hormones, the most important of which are growth hormone and IGF-1, which help us build muscle and burn fat, are active when we sleep and not active when we are awake.