How to open Equity Bank Kenya account online

How to open Equity Bank Kenya account online
How to open Equity Bank Kenya account online

How to open Equity Bank Kenya account online

About Equity Bank Kenya

Equity Bank Limited (The “Bank”) is incorporated, registered under the Kenyan Companies Act Cap 486 and domiciled in Kenya.  The address of the Bank’s registered office is 9th Floor, Equity Centre, P.O. Box 75104 – 00200 Nairobi.  The Bank is licensed under the Kenya Banking Act (Chapter 488) and continues to offer retail banking, microfinance and related services.  The Bank has subsidiaries in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, and Tanzania.  Its shares are listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange and Uganda Securities Exchange.

Equity Bank in 2010 established the Equity Group Foundation. This innovation and creative vehicle have fully transformed the concept of philanthropy and corporate social responsibility. While Equity Group Foundation champions the socio-economic transformation of the people of Africa and seeks partnerships along with six cluster thematic areas, Equity Bank provides the infrastructure of delivery, hence reducing the operational costs for the Foundation and increasing the rate of return on any social investment. The six social thematic areas of focus are education and leadership development; financial literacy and access; entrepreneurship; agriculture; health; innovations and environment.

How to open Equity Bank Kenya account online

How to Open Equity Bank Account Using your Phone 

  1. Dial *247#
  2. Fill in Your names (First&Last)
  3. Choose your identification means i.e ID or Passport
  4. Enter your identification detail e.g ID number or Passport number.
  5. If you were reffed by someone to open an equity account fill in their details i.e Agent Code is its an equity agent that referred you. Mobile number if it’s a customer that referred you and PF if it’s an Equity Staff that referred you. If you were not referred press 1 then continue
  6. Accept the terms and conditions
  7. You will receive 2 text messages containing you Equity Bank Account and Your Pin

How to Open Equity Bank Account Using EazzyBanking App.

  1. Download the EazzyBanking App from Playstore or Appstore then Install it.
  2. Open the app and select I am a new user
  3. Select I don’t have an Equity Bank Account
  4. Enter your First and Last name.
  5. Select your identification document i.e ID, Passport or Alien ID
  6. Input your identification details i.e ID number ,Passport number e.t.c
  7. Enter your Mobile number
  8. Confirm your Details and agree on the terms and conditions.
  9. Equity will then send you your account number and Pin via text.