Heavy rains affect vehicles transporting KCPE exam materials

Police car slides while transporting exam materials. [Photo/Ochondarigo]

Heavy rains affect vehicles transporting KCPE exam materials

The Kenyan primary school child is today sitting for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations, but in some areas, the exams might delay due to some environmental challenges brought about by the heavy downpour that has been experienced in recent days.

A vehicle rushing KCPE exams papers in Kobeiyei, Lokwanya and Oropoi in Turkana West has overturned and one supervisor has been rushed to the hospital.

Meanwhile, in Baringo South vehicles ferryingย exams to Kiserian and Mugutani are stuck in Mud.

The Government said they have 10 helicopters on standby to help with such eventuality but none has been spotted in the area yet.