How to Expand your business by becoming a Co-op Bank Agent

How to Expand your business by becoming a Co-op Bank Agent
How to Expand your business by becoming a Co-op Bank Agent

How to Expand your business by becoming a Co-op Bank Agent

Attract new customers into your business premises by offering Co-op Bank services.

Co-op Kwa Jirani is a service of Co-operative Bank of Kenya. Co-op Kwa Jirani enables customers to carry out all banking transactions through an agent appointed by the bank. 

Co-operative Bank’s Agency Banking will mostly entail cash deposit-taking, cash withdrawals, school fees payments, utility payments, balance inquiry, mini-statements among others. One will need to have an account with Co-operative Bank to work as an agent. Minimum balance of an agent will be determined by one’s appraisal forwarded to the Co-operative Bank.

Who can use Co-op Kwa Jirani?

Customers, non-customers, SACCO-link members, co-operatives, MCU customers, SME customers, and corporates.


You don’t have to be a Co-op Bank account holder to apply to be an agent. Just visit your nearest Co-op Bank branch, fill in an application form and submit the following documents along with the application form:

  1. Certificate of good conduct (for the individual)
  2. PIN certificate
  3. Bank statements if you are not a Co-op Bank account holder
  4. Business permits for the last 12 months
  5. Current business permit
  6. Certificate of registration
  7. Copy of ID or equivalent
  8. Two passport size photographs
  9. Business owners’ or directors’ CVs
  10. CBK Form 3 & CBK Form 4 witnessed by Commissioner of Oaths

For corporates and SACCOs, the following additional documents will be required:

  1. Audited books of accounts for the last two years
  2. Resolution to carry out agency banking
  3. SASRA approval for FOSA’s
  4. VAT registration (where applicable)

The applicable fees to facilitate approval are:

  1. CBK application fee – Ksh 1,000
  2. Float placement – Determined by customer limit which is arrived at during appraisal

Is there a limit on how much I can transact with the agent

This will depend on the transaction carried out by the customer:

  1. Cash deposits – No limit
  2. Cash withdrawals – Ksh 100,000 
  3. School fees payments – No limit