4 simple ways to organize and decorate a small bedroom

4 simple ways to organize and decorate a small bedroom

In all honesty, accommodation is quite expensive in Nairobi. For you to find a decent rental house, with sufficient space, you’ll have to part with some good amount of money. as a result of that, people have to make do with what’s available. That’s the tiny spacing which go all the way to the bedrooms.

How do you keep that tiny space that you live in beautiful and organized someone might ask? We’ll try to help give some tips that you can use if you are in such a situation.


Lose some of the things that fills up all the space in your room. You can start from your closet, donate some of the clothes that you haven’t worn in ages.

This will help you create some space in your closet. apart from that, if you have books or a lot of things lying around, give them away or get another home for them.

Invest in beautiful bedroom furniture

Yes, invest in good bedroom furniture. A bedroom just doesn’t require a bed to make it look nice. Go out, look for a nice bedside stand, lamps and everything that you might need and set them up.

If you already have some nice pieces, you can create some space on them or even repaint them to give them a better and new look.

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Play around with the colour paint on the walls

The colour painting on the wall plays a huge impact on the mood of a person. To achieve that peaceful or whatever kind of ambience you want, you can try changing the colours a bit.

You might prefer a monochromatic colour scheme, but be sure to use varying shades of the colour and to add in texture and to keep the room from looking flat.

If you want a soft colour on the walls, you can play around with bold and bright colours.

Invest in quality and stylish beddings

The bed is likely to be the largest single element in your bedroom.  How you dress it will make all the difference in the world. Keeping it simple and crisp will create an open feel while still looking inviting and luxurious. Bedding with a lot of pattern, no matter how beautiful, has the potential to create a cluttered look.