13 Kenya Police Service Badges of Ranks

Newly graduated officers assume the title of constable before being promoted to corporal after serving for at least 4 years.

Deputy Inspector General Badge. Picture/National Police Service

13 Kenya Police Service Badges of Ranks

From the Inspector General downwards, the leadership of the Kenya National Police Service is well-defined.

Identified by unique badges on their shoulders, the different commanders exercise authority in a traditionally hierarchical police service.

The following are badges of ranks as revised in April 2017 by the National Police Service;


1. Inspector General

    1. The Inspector General (IG) is the senior police officer in the country who runs the service on a daily basis.
    2. In a recent policy pronouncement by Kenya’s fifth president Dr. William Ruto, the IG is designated as the chief accounting officer of the police.
    3. This means that he or she controls the massive police budget which was previously controlled by the office of the president.
    4. To denote his authority and stature, the IG wears a special shoulder badge with the words “National Police Service” engraved on it.
    5. Next to the label are a scimitar sword and swagger cane which are crossed together, and surrounded by a laurel wreath.
    6. On top of the laurel wreath are two lion badges.



Inspector General Badge. Picture/National Police Service



Also read: List of All Special Units in the Kenya Police Service



2. Deputy Inspector General (DIG)

    1. Deputy Inspector Generals are commanders of the different formations within the national police service.
    2. Kenya Police and Administration Police Services are headed by respective Deputy Inspector Generals.
    3. The DIG wears a shoulder badge with crossed scimitar sword and swagger cane surrounded by a laurel wreath.
    4. Next to the laurel wreath is a military pattern star and a lion badge.
    5. The respective service that the Deputy Inspector General heads is inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.



Deputy Inspector General Badge. Picture/National Police Service



3. Senior Assistant Inspector General

    1. The Senior Assistant Inspector General (SAIG) is a senior officer who commands a given unit within the service.
    2. General Service Unit (GSU) under the Kenya Police Service, for instance, is headed by a Senior Assistant Inspector General.
    3. As expected the SAIG wears a slightly different shoulder badge from that of the seniors.
    4. It too has the crossed scimitar sword and swagger cane surrounded by a laurel wreath.
    5. Unlike the DIG badge, the SAIG badge misses the military pattern star but has one lion badge.
    6. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth



Senior Assistant Inspector General Badge. Picture/National Police Service



4. Assistant Inspector General

    1. While the Assistant Inspector General’s badge does not have the lion badge, it has two military pattern stars.
    2. Like all the senior officers, the Assitant Inspector General has the crossed scimitar sword and swagger cane surrounded by a laurel wreath.
    3. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth


Assistant Inspector General Badge. Picture/National Police Service



5. Commissioner

    1. A commissioner’s shoulder badge has 2 crossed spears surrounded by a laurel wreath.
    2. A military pattern star is next to the crossed spears, with the name of the respective service inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.



Commisioner Badge. Picture/National Police Service



6. Senior Superintendent

    1. A Senior Superintendent’s shoulder badge has 2 military pattern stars with a lion badge next to them.
    2. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.


Senior Superintendent Badge. Picture/National Police Service



7. Superintendent of Police

      1. A Senior Superintendent’s shoulder badge has a military pattern star and a lion badge.
      2. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.



Superitendent of Police Badge. Picture/National Police Service



8. Assistant Superintendent of Police

      1. An Assistant Superintendent’s shoulder badge has a lion badge surrounded by a laurel wreath.
      2. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.



Assistant Superintendent Badge. Picture/National Police Service



9. Chief Inspector

    1. A Chief Inspector’s shoulder badge has three military pattern stars.
    2. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.


Chief Inspector Badge. Picture/National Police Service



10. Inspector

    1. Unlike his/her immediate boss, the Police Inspector has two military pattern stars on the shoulder badge.
    2. The name of the respective service is inscribed at the base of the cloth badge.



Inspector’s Badge. Picture/National Police Service



11. Senior Sergeant

    1. A Kenyan Senior Sergeant of police has a shoulder badge that includes three bars of worsted red chevrons.
    2. It also has a Kenya Coat of Arms in national colors embroidered on a dark blue cloth above the chevrons.
    3. There is no inscription of the respective Service names on the badge.



Senior Sergeant’s Badge. Picture/National Police Service



Also read: List of All Administration Police Units in Kenya



12. Sergeant

    1. A Kenyan Sergeant of police has a shoulder badge that includes three bars of worsted red chevrons.
    2. There is no inscription of the respective Service names on the badge.



Sergeant’s Badge. Picture/National Police Service




13. Corporal

    1. A Kenya Police Corporal has a shoulder badge that includes two bars of worsted red chevrons.
    2. There is no inscription of the respective Service names on the badge.


A Police Corporal Badge. Picture/National Police Service


Newly graduated officers assume the title of constable before being promoted to corporal after serving for at least 4 years.